Third week

 I continue to believe that my work here is just a facade for the gospel message.  Although my surgeries might improve the quality of the Kenyan's lives or save a life here on earth there is no lasting effect.  We will all undergo physical death one day.  The true healing is the spiritual healing that comes from faith in Christ.

This patient presented with intermittent nose bleeds and congestion in one of his nostrils.  Exam revealed a mass filling the nasal cavity.  He admitted to sniffing tobacco.  This is a habit of grinding tobacco leaves to a powder and sniffing it.  We talked about the deleterious effects and the risk of cancer from this activity.  He underwent a biopsy of his nasal mass which is very suspicious for a cancer.  We also discussed Christ.  He had heard of Christ and knows there is a church down the road but no one has presented the Gospel to him.  Through the help of an interpreter I was able to present the Gospel to him.  He was anxious to repent of his sinus and put his faith in Christ.  The chaplains were contacted and presented him with a bible in his native language.  They will also follow up with him to help him get connected with a church.  Praise God!  His kingdom was expanded today!

Last week was busy finishing up some ear surgeries and performing nasal surgery on a patient.  We were able to complete a total of 6 ear surgeries over the last 2 weeks.  There a 5 ear surgeries still waiting and will need to be postponed until my next visit in late august or early September.  I am so grateful for the new operating microscope that has been invaluable in getting these surgeries completed.

Tomorrow, will be a big day.  We have a combined surgery with the neurosurgeon.  The patient is a 29 year old with a benign growth from a nerve in his spine.  This has grown to involve his neck and the base of the skull.  It has invaded his spinal column region and he is beginning to lose strength in his arms.

This will be a very difficult long surgery.  There are many risks for this patient but he will be paralyzed soon if he does not have the surgery.  I have great faith that God will give us the skill we need to resect this tumor.  I am believing the Lord will go beyond what we can't do and heal this man.  God will be glorified as this is way beyond our natural abilities.  Please pray for the surgeons involved and for this man who is believing in a miracle.

Thank you for your faithful prayers,


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