2nd week

It always seems to take a week for me to adapt to the pace and cultural differences at Tenwek. I feel over my head in numbers of patients. Each step I take is often interrupted by a medical question from a local or staff member. My agenda needs to be to take care of the person in front of me. I can not plan on a schedule or anticipate the next medical problem or surgical case. And yet I can trust that the Lord is guiding my feet and bringing those to me that He desires me to care for. I can trust that He will never leave me or forsake me. That He has not called me without equipping me. But when I look at the problems before me it is hard not to wonder "why me?". There are so many others that are more capable. " His power is made perfect through my weakness"! Where I am weak, He is strong! Joy Joy is a 1.5 year old with 3 weeks of post auricular swelling and irritability. Mother denies ear drainage or history o...