Arrived home

We arrived back home safely for Easter! Thank you for all your prayers. This trip was a tough one but God proved Himself faithful as always. God answered prayers in so many ways. 1. He poured forth rain from heaven. The drought has ended and the people are rejoicing in the plentiful rains on the country. Compare this to week one photo of the waterfall at Tenwek. The rains have allowed the hydroelectric plant to run again. The fields are green again! 2. He healed His people physically! This patient has TB of the spine. She was paralyzed from the waist down and unable to sit up in bed. Her arms were weak. She underwent incision and drainage of a soft tissue abscess and spine stabilization. I helped with the access in the neck for the neurosurgery team. She is now able to sit up in a wheel chair and strength is returning to her arms. This is beyond what we could have hoped. God is working His miracles. 3. H...