Fourth Week

This is a 2 year old boy with what was described as noisy breathing. he was not walking and developmentally behind. over the last 3 weeks his breathing has worsened to the point where he was weak and eating poorly. below is a photo of us in the operating theater urgently treating his upper airway blockage. This is a difficult surgery in a US setting but in a resource poor hospital we were hoping for a miracle. The patient had papillomas on his vocal cords and just below the cords. these were large and blocking his ability to breath. With the tools that we had we were able to remove enough to stabilize his airway. We were able to avoid performing a tracheostomy which was the likely outcome I told his teenage mother. All glory goes to the lord. Below is the patient post operatively, breathing easily and ready for discharge to home. He will need further follow up as these can return. But this was a great witness of the power of G...