3rd Week

" For our heart rejoices in Him, because we trust in His holy name." Psalm 33:21 The Lord was truly present caring for his people on this trip. There were many barriers to care this trip but God made a way as we persisted in advocating for the people. The Kenyan health care system is undergoing an overhaul. They are in a time of transition presently and this is making it quite hard to get approval by NHIF (governmental insurance) for surgery. We often needed to submit for prior approval 3-4 times per patient. This created a lot of work for my resident and clinical officer but with persistence those that we believed God wanted us to operate on were accepted. The line of patients waiting for ENT surgery is still long, but in a way this is God beckoning me to return. Remember the patient with the large maxillary cyst? He remained in the hospital for over 10 days as he recovered from surgery and settled finances. He always seemed to have a som...