A day of water filters!

This morning I went back to the Tenwek Primary Boarding School with Hunter, Aaron, & Isaiah to finish up a project that I began a year ago.  They currently have 613 children and 40 staff up from last year!  The filters have been working well and we set them up with more filters for the boys and girls dormitories, and more for some of the teachers that didn't receive any from last year.  As it turned out, we spent about 3-1/2 hours with them; back-washing some of the older filters and just visiting and enjoying some chai with them.  They are so thankful for the water filters - they send blessings and God's peace to all who have supported this ministry!

We got back to our apartment around 2pm and had a late lunch with Chase and we shared some stories together; Chase headed back to the hospital with Aaron; and Isaiah and I started working on some water filters that we promised to some local Kenyan workers.  Well, you would have thought that someone went around the Tenwek community announcing over a loud speaker to come to Apartment# TH/CHE/010 and pick their water filter!!  The local Kenyans streamed up to the apartment for about an hour and a half asking and receiving water filters.  Thank goodness I had Isaiah helping me - Hunter was doing meeting and greeting and we were frantically drilling holes and putting together water filters, it was quite a sight!  When all was 'said and done' we handed out 30 filters and drilled about 50 holes!  Praise God - I wish we had more - at one point we called it quits and asked people to come back the next day.  Our forearms were beginning to cramp up!  It was a great time!!

I found out that there had been a large Cholera outbreak back in January and February of this year.  It was a dry time and water was hard to find, so people went down to the river and to get their water and were not boiling it and Cholera broke out.  It's a very dirty river.  So when people heard that someone had water filters that removes bacteria from the water, they took it pretty seriously and showed up!

The rains started to fall in April and May and they caught up some, but still many large rainwater tanks are only half full and we are moving into the dry season again.  Pray for rain to fall in the evenings!

Here are a few photos:
Filtering water for lunch time
Prepping lunch for 613 children!
Stirring up one of three huge pots of beans

PS:  It has been very difficult to download and send photos - it takes forever, but we'll keep trying.

Thank you for your support and prayers!

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