Settling in and getting busy!

The first drink!
Imoja Children's Home with Joseph and some
children testing out their new water filters!

I met with Joseph on Thursday afternoon who owns and runs, with his wife, the Imoja Children's Home.  They began this home in 2003 with eleven children and now have 55 children staying with them.  He told me that he could have many more children, but currently does not have the room or the resources to care for more children.  That weighs heavy on him and wants to care for more.
They, like many orphanages or homes, try to be self-sufficient with their own milking cows, small farm, and chickens.  Imoja Home has 220 chickens and they get 120 eggs per day which they sell to Tenwek Hospital daily - that is their only source of income, so the chickens are cared for well!  We discussed the water source for this home and they collect rain water as everyone does here, but it has been an exceptionally dry rainy season - that has many concerned.  They drink the rain water directly from the tanks, and they told me that it is hit and miss with illnesses from the rain water, but when they run dry, they will go to the river to collect their water and they know that they will get sick from the river water!  I told them,  "I think I can help!!"

It's amazing how the Kenyans, in some very tough places, make things work, they accept what they have, make it the best as possible and thank and praise God constantly!  Please know that from your generous donations another Home of children will be drinking clean water!  They will not get sick and actually will thrive in that place and in school - that is something to be excited about - they are - Praise God!

It is always a joyous time when visitors come by - they sing songs, introduce themselves and recite a Scripture verse that they recently learned.  It blesses me and others to see this.  Please keep this Home in your prayers; pray for the children and for Joseph and his wife - they have many challenges each and every day.

Chase was hoping to come with me, but got pretty busy at the hospital - Holidays don't necessarily keep the sick away.  Please continue to pray for rest (sleep) for Chase. 

"Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe."
-Proverbs 29:25

The set-up

Happy girl with her bells!

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