Steadfast in the Lord

Psalm 112:7  Surely he will never be shaken, a righteous man will be remembered forever.  He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

As I keep my eyes focused on the Lord I see his fingerprint on every event.  Each patient that comes to me is brought in His timing.  A busy day is followed by a quiet day.  A sleepless night followed by a night of rest.  As I care for a difficult patient I conviently run into a collegue that I need to discuss care issues.  It seems each of my steps is measured by the Lord.  He is literally carrying me from patient to patient.  I am so thankful for His help.  I am learning not to allow the busyness and difficult problems to shake me.  I am learning to lean on Him and cast my eyes on Him as I move from decision to decision.

Thyroid cancer metastatic to lungs  

This patient presented with a large neck mass referred from outlying hospital.  She had no funds and could only afford one study in her evaluation.  We performed a CxR which revealed metastatic thyroid cancer in the lungs.

This patient had a hard neck mass present for over 1 month.  Clinically it looked like an aggressive tumor or tuberculosis.  At surgery he had a massive abscess.  We drained 100cc of pus!
I am thanking the Lord for helping me in all the decisions that need to be made.  Most of all for helping me to remain steadfast on Him.

In Christ,
Chase and Jimmy Miller

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