
Showing posts from October, 2024

First Week October 2024

Continued political battles in Kenya are monopolizing politician's time rather than more pressing issues of the economy and healthy care.  The impeachment process of the depute passed in the parliament and will  be voted on in the Senate this week.  In the meantime, the economy continues to struggle with high cost of living leaving the poor to struggle to afford basic necessities.  The hospitals have been left struggling due to slow release of funds from the Government.  Tenwek is in a state of major strain from loss of back payments and now reduced daily income as patients are uninsured and lack funds to pay for services.  Its a mess! Somehow God has continued to provide for the needy and this last week I saw many ENT patients and operated for 2.5 days.  The patients have heart breaking stories of delayed care.  So many suffering of treatable diseases.  This week I performed several tonsillectomies, endoscopic sinus surgery, and several biopsies of the voice box for cancer. This i

Arrived to Tenwek safely

I arrived to Tenwek safely Saturday evening.  This was the easiest trip I have had so far.  I walked right through customs with 2 suitcases of medical supplies and was not stopped!  This was a real answer to pray, Praise the Lord! The country side remains beautiful!  This is a bridge over the Mara River that I passed over on a hike.  The water levels are high even though the rainy season has not started yet.  Although the land looks green and well nourished the health system is in a disaster.  The Kenyan government has decided to change their national health insurance.  They did this with no preparations in place.  The reimbursement fees are lower and what they will cover is much less.  This all stems from a very impoverished country that has still not recovered from the devastation of COVID restrictions.  Tenwek administration has refused to sign the contract with the government so we are in a virtual strike.  Patients are unable to obtain care and I hear there is real suffering occur