Kijabe Hospital, Kenya


KIJABE, KENYA  10/22–11/8/21


I love this photo as it depicts how I am clinging to Jesus as I prepare for my next trip.  Kijabe is a Christian mission hospital and a large referral center for central Kenya.  They have had a team of three Otolaryngologists in the past but are now down to one with a long surgical queue.  Many of the surgeries are cleft lip and palate.  I am hoping to give a much-needed rest to the one remaining Otolaryngologist.  Kijabe means “wind,” and its name is fitting because the times I have served at the nearby AIC Cure hospital, the weather has been cool and windy.  The main tribe served is Kikuyu, but I understand that many from Nairobi travel to Kijabe because of its good reputation.  A nearby cemetery houses missionaries from the 1800s.  History tells us that part of the missionaries’ preparations were to have all their teeth extracted to avoid deadly dental infections prior to the antibiotic era and to travel with a casket knowing that they would never return! 


My greatest need for this trip is your prayer support!  I will be bringing only a short list of supplies I feel I can’t go without.  I will be relying solely on the surgical instruments at Kijabe.  I expect to be involved in a number of different surgical cases and as always, need prayer that Jesus will be the surgeon, and I am just a tool in his hand.  Below is a number of other prayer requests:

·      Safe travels and arrival of luggage without tariffs

·      Protection from COVID and other illnesses

·      Adequate sleep

·      That the surgical cases being lined up are chosen by him

·      That God would heal his people

·      That he would prepare hearts to know him as Lord and Savior


1 Peter 4:11: “If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.  To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.  Amen.”


My biggest prayer of all is that God will get the glory.  Thank you for your faithful prayers.


Chase Miller

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