First Week at Kijabe Hospital


I arrived safely to Kijabe, Kenya last Saturday at 7pm.  I left Rochester at 7 am Friday morning so it was 36 hours of travel!  My luggage arrived and there was no inspection for which I am so grateful.  My least favorite aspect of the journey is shopping in Nairobi for supplies.  This was especially difficult as I have not worked at Kijabe previously so I did not know what would be available.


Monday started a busy week.  I operated 5 days and can say I am now comfortable with the way the operating room flows.  The staff have been wonderful and are quite knowledgeable in the typical ENT procedures.  The cases I have been performing are back logged surgeries from the missionary ENT who has been overwhelmed with work.  I have performed a number of surgeries from cleft lip, cleft palate, reconstruction of ear tympanic membranes, mastoid surgery, tonsillectomy and ear tubes.  



The cleft lip repairs are always such a blessing to perform.  Although technically challenging the surgeries are transformative for these children.  The deformity is considered a curse in this culture but God’s redemption is so evident through this surgery.  Below are several of the kids we operated on this week.  Smile Train is providing the funding for these surgeries.



    This weekend after rounds I was able to walk to town to purchase some supplies needed.  The locals sell their goods in a market and at Duka’s.  I was able to purchase my vegetables and eggs for the week for $3.00!  I continue to learn the art of cooking in Africa.  Some tips I have learned are don’t put your vegetables in the refrigerator- they will freeze.  Hang them in baskets in the kitchen where the cockroaches can't get them.  Gather long sticks in the woods to light the propane stove so you don’t burn your hands! 

 This week is another busy week full of surgeries each day.  Continue to pray that God will select patients for the surgeries.  That He will be the surgeon directing my hands.  That the patients will find healing in this place.  I am counting on you holding up my arms in this battle against sickness and disease.  Fortunately, we know the battle is already won!!


Thank you for joining me in this venture,




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