Made it to Nairobi

 We are safely in our hotel in Nairobi.  The flights were uneventful Praise God.  All our luggage made it safely.  We have learned to be as wise as serpents and when the medical bags arrive with chalk like "X's" on them we have learned to wipe them off with Clorax wipes.  We rolled right through customs carrying 5 large bags with medical equipment and water filters.  Praise God again for His faithfulness.  It is 1 AM here and we are wide awake because of the 8 hour time change.  We pray for a miraculous sleep and an eventful drive tomorrow up to Tenwek.  That will take the majority of the day as we need to pick up food supplies.

Thank you to all the faithful prayer warriors out there that lifted us up.  We will have no internet again until Monday or Tuesday but will keep you updated.


Chase and Jimmy

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