Preparing for fall Kenya trip 2018

leviticus 19:9
"When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest.  Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen.  Leave them for the poor and the alien.  I am the Lord your God."

This Old Testament commandment referencing the harvest is a great reminder of our duty to give to the poor.  From the abundance of our harvest, the fruit of our labor, we are to overflow onto the needy.  Could it be that the blessings that we receive from the Lord are purposefully abundant so that we can give to those less fortunate?  Here in the US we are so privileged to have a wealth of education to prepare us for work.  Our employment is a bountiful provision for our families but also for the poor.  Our skills are not just for our benefit but for those that are deprived.  Don't they deserve the first fruits of our labor?

We will be leaving again for Kenya 10/11th.  I will start at Tenwek Hospital and end at Kijabe Hospital doing cleft work.  Our ministry outreaches will not only be to the sick but also to dispense water filters and give to Kitoben Orphanage.  The water filter ministry will focus on schools and orphanages.  There is a growing connection with Community Health at Tenwek and we are praying that Jimmy will be able to visit some remote villages with them.  We realize that the filters are just a means to reach those that do not yet know the Lord.  Please pray that God would open doors.  Kitoben continues to work on building their school and funds are needed to complete classrooms 6 and 7.  This will allow them to reach out to local children that are in need of education and to acquire government funding.  At Tenwek I will continue to operate with the general surgery residents.  I am working on building up the specialty ENT equipment.

We are so appreciative of all the support.  Please continue to pray for protection, healing of the sick, and divine appointments.

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