
My time at Migori, Kenya has come to a close.  I praise the Lord that He was in control of all the details.  The enemy was working hard to derail our work.  As mentioned previously many of the team were detained in their travels.  One precious women started her travels on Wednesday morning and arrived Sunday night.  She was such a witness to His protection.  As she arrived Sunday night she came in thanking the Lord for all the angels on the way that guided her to safety.  There was a spirit there that wanted to disqualify me.  It was a difficult time.

God faithfully brought me all the help I needed.  I had 2 Kenyan general surgery residents who are quite gifted.  We saw the usual parade of head and neck masses.  We operated on large thyroid goiters, salivary gland tumor, neck cysts, and a congenital mass involving the ear.  All in all the team did 48 surgeries and saw 318 patients.  It was a busy week for sure.  But God has been constantly reminding me that it is not about performance but the heart.  I want to focus on my hearts cry.  I loved each patient and shared a prayer over each one.  I am believing that He is blessing them now and caring for these precious people.

There were 2 patients that I especially felt God ministered to.  One was a young 13 year old girl who presented with her elderly mother (appeared to be grandmother).  She had been having nasal bleeding.  She was in pain and had swelling involving her face and nose and she was suffering and discouraged.  We addressed the medical issue and did a nasal biopsy for what I am sure is a malignant form of sarcoma.  I addressed my concerns  and shared with her the ultimate healer, Jesus.  She did not know Him but so wanted his love and healing.  She readily gave her life to him.  I watched as she slowly walked out of the clinic, it will be at least 4 weeks before the results of the biopsy will be available and will she even be able to travel to get the results?  My heart bleeds for her but yet I rejoice that her eternal life is secure.

Joseph was an elderly man who presented with multiple masses over his body.  He had AIDS and obvious wasting of his body, with end stage signs.  He had more that one tumor of his face, neck and along his chest.  Surgery was not the answer.  I shared the seriousness of his disease and the importance of knowing Jesus.  He so desired a new life and readily repented and gave his life to the Lord.  Our prayer was powerful and you could feel the change occurring over his life.  He was a new creation in Christ Jesus.  We rejoiced with the angels over this one!

I have arrived to Tenwek Hospital now after another 8 hour drive.  We were detained by flooding.  We had 3 instances where we needed to cross what looked like a river.  It is by God's grace that we did not spend the night in the car waiting for the water to recede.  I am preparing for my time here teaching the family practice residents.  There are many obstacles to clear.  Recent fire and multiple anesthetists have left the hospital over financial issues.  This will affect what surgeries can be done.  I appreciate your prayers that the enemy will be unable to detain the work that needs to be done.

No photos could be uploaded as internet is weak,

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