Preparations for upcoming trip


"Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have done you have accomplished for us." Isaiah 26:12

This trip will be a whirlwind of activity.  I leave 9/28/16 for Migori, Kenya with Kenya Relief.  This will be my first time with this organisation which is home to a Medical clinic, OR facilities, and an orphanage.  I will be bringing one of our ENT residents with me.  I anticipate a busy schedule in the OR and clinic for 4 work days.  From here I will travel back to Tenwek Hospital, our usual stomping grounds.  Jimmy will meet me here for 2 weeks.  He will be busy with the water filtration project.  he hopes to provide clean water to another school that is home to 1000 students.  He will also check in with Kitoban Orphanage.  My last week will be spent at Kijabe helping with cleft lip and palate surgeries.  This was a miraculous organisational feat by our great and awesome God.

I am resting in the Lord's peace as I prepare to leave.  There are many preparations but no worries as I trust the Lord for all the details.  I am so grateful to be involved in this awesome work.  I am also so thankful for the saints who hold be up in the battle.  Please keep praying!!

Prayer requests:
- all luggage will make it through customs without searching or extra tax
- comfortable seats on the many planes to Nairobi and the 8 hour drive to Migori
- ability to sleep and orient quickly to the 7 hour time change
- That I will be able to discern who I am to operate on
- For healing of the Kenyan people
- Jimmy would be able to pick up the water filters in Nairobi without problems
- We could be an encouragement to the full time missionaries
- The Holy Spirit will be present and touching all those we encounter
- Provision for my patients at home
- Protection for our kids while we are away

Thank you for joining us in this awesome ministry.  I will try to keep you updated often on the Blog this year.

God bless,
Chase Miller

Opportunities for Donations
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Trinity Communion Church
759 Winona Blvd
Rochester, NY 14617

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