Togo 10/24-11/7

I have arrived safely after what was a longer day of travel than expected.  God is so merciful to go before me and make a way.  This hospital is the second largest in Togo.  A Christian hospital that attracts patients from other lands including Ghana.  The local private and public hospitals have a reputation of poor care so even patients from the capital city Lome are drawn to Karolyn Kempton Hospital.  The hospital grounds are beautiful in a lush tropical environment.

Karolyn Kempton Hospital

Prior to my arrival the full time missionaries have so graciously worked to identify patients needing ENT care.  But as I have experienced before, God is the one that draws His people in that are in need of care.  It seems that my work takes 3 times as long here as I adapt to the local customs and language.  French is the national language but most patients speak Ewe, the local tribal language.  I have had to draw on my high school french which has brought on many smiles as I stumble through.  The people are very grateful for any care that they can get.  The resources are extremely tight with markedly less supplies and medications when I compare to Tenwek Hospital in Kenya.  There are many stories but I will review one patient story and a specific patient prayer request.  Internet access has been intermittent so I want to quickly post my update.

This patient is an 80 year old female with one month history of decreasing appetite and lethargy.  Over the last 2 weeks she has become bedridden and has not been eating or drinking except what the family can pour into her mouth.  she has had intermittent nose bleeds from the left nares.  On exam she was listless in a wheel chair, barely responding to commands.  Her daughter needed to hold her head up.  Her left eye was drooping with a dilated pupil and lack of ability to move the eye.  the left nares had an friable mass which bleed easily on palpation.  there was swelling of the left nose extending onto the face.  No lymph nodes were felt in the neck.  There is no access to sinus films or CT scan here.  Blood work revealed evidence of anemia and extreme electrolyte deficiencies.  She was admitted with the diagnosis of dehydration, malnutrition, and sinus mass extending the cavernous sinus in the brain.  With treatment of her dehydration and electrolytes she improved significantly to the point where she was able to sit on her on and drink with assistance.  Most importantly once she was alert we were able to minister to her spiritually.  With the power of the holy spirit and the help of the chaplains she gave her  life to the Lord.  She is discharged home now with comfort care as there is no surgical treatment for her advanced sinus tumor.  I am rejoicing that she will live eternally with our Lord!

Please pray for John who presented with a 2 week history of neck swelling.  We are treating him for necrotizing fasciitis (Gas gangrene or flesh eating bacteria).  He is in guarded condition having gone to the operating room once and a return later today to remove any remaining dead tissue.  Even in the states mortality is greater than 25%.  In a resource poor environment, survival will be a miracle.

John, necrotizing fasciitis 
Thank you for your continued prayers and I pray God continues to remind you to pray for His work in this region and for my strength to be renewed each day.

Chase Miller

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