Getting adjusted

One week of work is already complete.  It has been a week of getting adjusted to the culture and way of life here.  I have to constantly tell myself to stop walking so fast and to slow down.  It is an art to have people pressing in around you, interrupting you, asking you for advice, and to remain at peace and not overwhelmed.  I have a long way to go here but have been adjusting to this way of living here. I observe some of the full time missionaries and note that they are quiet and peaceful;  never seeming to be rushed in their decisions.  This is a gift from God that I covet and believe the hard times are teaching me.

Being a short term missionary causes a tension that feels like a disadvantage but I see how God is using my weaknesses.  My heart is not dulled by the constant sight of tragedy and suffering.  It seems that each time I come my heart is broken for the suffering of these people.  I know that we live in a broken world and there will be suffering but the amount of disease and pathology here is indescribable.  I am not a cancer specialist on the home side and I think this also keeps my heart soft as it is not something that I see day in and day out.  But here it streams in- case after case.  The lack of access to medical care brings in extreme cases that are unresectable under these circumstances.  I find myself crying and pouring out my sadness as I tell these patients that surgery is not the answer.  I share the salvation of the Lord and many are comforted by this.  Most of the patients have a faith and are comforted by prayer.  I do sense the Holy Spirit touching them in some way.

It has been a different week, less surgery than usual but I think much needed for my adjustment to the pace here.  please continue to pray that I will walk with God's peace

24 year old female with locally destructive tumor for 6 years.  she was seen previously several times but never had the funds for surgical treatment.  evaluation is still being performed but surgical resection is not possible here at Tenwek.  the mass extends to her base of skull.  Biopsies have been performed and we are waiting on results which will take 2 weeks.  this is most likely an amelioblastoma.

Thank you for continued prayers!
Chase Miller

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