Chebonei Girls High School

Classrooms at Chebonei Girls High School

We were recently invited to the Chebonei Girls High School to see if we could help them with water filtration.  We set up (2) 100 liter tanks (25-gallons each) and put two filters in each tank and then drilled another 5 pails that will collect the clean water with faucets.  They've been purchasing cases upon cases of bottled water, which gets very expensive, for their drinking water.  They have 2 large rain tanks that are currently empty, but they do have some water that is tapped in from the hospital, but the volume is not adequate and it is not always safe to drink.  They will now transport some water up from the river and use the filters to clean it.

The school houses up to 507 high school girls ages 14-18 years old.  Hunter has visited them for games and was part of a devotional team that brought a message and did praise and worship music for them.  It is a Christian School, but not all are necessarily 'Believers' - they are very strong academically, so it draws many girls to the school.  The Gospel was shared there today!

I was told that they were recently taught some songs and dance moves and so while I was setting up the filters, I recognized a song and went out to see-

Kids will be kids!!
Completed water filters and buckets with 'taps' (faucets)
Proud owners of Sawyer water filters!

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