A very good day - He is in control!

"He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me" (Psalm 23:3-4).

Again this year my heart breaks for the massive sickness and death that surrounds me at Tenwek.  It is an overwhelming feeling to see such disease and feel unable to help.  This morning as I passed through the emergency room to the outpatient clinic area, the doctors began chest compressions to resuscitate a woman who collapsed in her village.  Although her collapse was witnessed, it took 20 minutes for her to arrive. She died soon thereafter.  I remember the patients I had seen yesterday that had such advanced disease and what little I could do for them.  With each patient I cry out to the Lord to give me wisdom on how to treat.  We pray together and trust that He will provide.  My eyes truly need to be on the Lord and not on what I see around me.  It feels like "the valley of the shadow of death," yet I know that God is ever-present here.  These are His people and He is caring for them in this place. The chaos I sense around me is not as it appears.  God is in complete control.

One of my first patients yesterday was referred from the outpatient endoscopy suite.  She was presented with difficulty swallowing and recent throat pain.  On the upper endoscopy, there was a suspicious lesion and she was to see me for further care.  She has a 10 year history of daily alcohol usage, which is a risk factor for head and neck cancer.  Through the family translator, I realized she does not know Jesus as her Lord and Savior.  Presented with a life threatening issue, she was very open to hearing about Jesus and repeating the sinners prayer.  This, in my mind, is the ultimate healing and should be what we as physicians seek for all our patients- eternal life!! Although we are still evaluating her possible cancer, she has the assurance of eternity.

Aaron has jumped in at the Physical Therapy and Orthopedic Department helping out and seeing some incredible injuries.  He and Chase exchange photos of what they have seen each day at lunch time!  Our prayer list grows each evening at dinner time for the sick and injured, and it's only been two days.

We also visited Kitoben Children's Center this afternoon and it was a wonderful reunion with them. Armed with jump ropes and digital technology - the afternoon was filled with fun and laughter!

Hunter and Isaiah plan to go out with Tenwek Community Health on Wednesday morning to serve out in the community.  They'll help with vaccinations, weigh babies and hand out vitamins and I know they'll come back with stories and many photos.

I've been working with some of the local Kenyan's who help around the compound with water filters; and the word is getting out that 'bucket man' is back.  Our first big appointment is back at the Primary Boarding School to finish that job from last year.

Here are some photos of the day:

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