A day of "Thank You's"

Today was filled with many unexpected "thank you's" for the water filters.  I headed up to the 'butchery' for some fillets and received my first 'thank you' from the butcher.  I remembered him from two days ago, but in our discussion about the water filter, I thought he was a butcher from across the river, so I was surprised to see him.  He immediately grabbed my hand and thanked me for the filter and he shared with me that he filtered over 100 liters (25 gallons) of water the day before and has never had so much clean water in his home!  He continued to tell me how good the water tasted while he was slicing off fresh fillets from the massive cow leg hanging from the non-refrigerated room.  It did have a screen around the hanging beef, but no door?  Oh well, I'm in Kenya, not Wegman's.

I bumped into many of the local duka owners (small street side shops) who also expressed gratitude for receiving a water filter.  They realize that they were blessed in receiving one, because I'm all out of them.  It's been very hard to tell so many Kenyans that I'm out of water filters.  I've begun a list to make sure I can get more filters to the very needy ones, and that's most of them here around Tenwek Hospital.  In my initial meeting with the local Kenyans, I ask them various questions concerning where they live, where do they get the water from, how many live in their home, and if they've gotten sick recently from the water supply.  They begin to tell me stories of how sick many of their family members have been from the poor water.  I've been asking the ones who have a filter to please share their clean water with family and neighbors.  Many of them realize that they can filter many gallons of water pretty quickly.

Please know that through your generous donations, many families are enjoying clean water for the first time ever!!  This never gets old and the stories that I hear are always powerful and meaningful.

Yesterday, we had our first rain since we've been in Kenya and it was a good downpour which helped to fill some rain tanks with much needed water.

Some pics of the week:
I just back-washed our filter and we collect rain water!
Our local elf 'Buddy' - a very happy boy!

Loading up some firewood  on the boda-boda
Thank you for your prayers and support!

Jimmy, Chase, Hunter, Aaron, & Isaiah

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