Why not to eat road kill

today was full of surprises.  the biggest one was a 56 year old male with h/o alcoholism and smoking abuse.  he presented with a 3 day history of neck swelling and throat pain.  He was referred by an outlying hospital for rule out oral tumor.

On exam the patient had a hot potato voice.  oral exam revealed massive necrotic mass filling the oropharynx.  the neck had diffuse swelling on the right side extending onto the anterior chest with pitting edema.  evaluation of his larynx revealed diffuse swelling with impending airway obstruction.  I had not seen anything like this before but knew it was bad!  I explained my concerns that he had life threatening disease and we needed to admit him to the hospital and control his airway with a breathing tube.  I asked if he knew Jesus.  I told him who Jesus was and that He could be his savior.  He accepted Jesus into his heart.  Praise God!!  about 1 hour later he had a seizure while we were waiting for the operating room to open.  he was rushed to the operating room and an airway was established by the grace of God.  His disease was consistent with oropharyngeal anthrax.  this is a bacteria that lives in soil, wood, and animals.  it can be contracted by eating infected meat.   It causes massive tissue swelling and ulceration.  If not treated promptly with antibiotics it is fatal.  This man certain met His Savior today.

Thank you Lord for your mercy in saving this man today.  I pray for continued healing for him tonight as we work to treat him.

chase miller

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