We made it!!

We made it home late Friday night.  We are praising God for our safe return.  We had an extra leg to our journey as LaGuardia airport was at a stand still when we arrived.  Fortunately we were able to rent a care and drive 6 hours home instead of being stranded in NYC until Sunday.  Somehow Jimmy was able to keep his eyes open for the drive.  We got some really big hugs from the Kids that night!  On the heel of our arrival we heard about yet another terrorist attack in Nairobi at a shopping center.  Thank you Lord for keeping us safe.  I pray over the next days God will give me insight on all that we did this trip.  It feels like a whirlwind of work.  God was certainly orchestrating divine moments for His people.  I feel well entrenched at Tenwek.  My heart remains there and I yearn to return.  Right now next trip scheduled for summer 2015.

We put Hunter on a plane for Bangalore, India this morning.  I know God has a great adventure for her this summer.  Thank you Lord for carrying on the missions you began in us through our children.  What a blessing.

Thank you for all your faithful prayers.  We could not have done it without you.
In Christ,
chase miller

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