Second week March 2024

 This has been a different kind of trip so far.  I have taken many biopsies of obvious tumors and I am still waiting for results.  The national health insurance NHIF has also been more difficult to work with on this trip.  In the past we would have approvals for surgeries within 48 hrs but now we are waiting weeks.  They are refusing coverage many times requiring us to resubmit and wait again.  Despite these hurdles I know God is in everything and we have been working at a steady pace. 

I operated 3 days this week performing a number of small cases including repair of an ear drum, tonsillectomies, ear tubes, tracheostomies, removal of a nasal mass and endoscopic nasal polyp removal.  Everyone has done well which is a blessing from the Lord in this environment.

My general surgery resident in ENT clinic

        Preparing for tonsillectomy

                                   50 year old male with large ulcerated neck cancer that has spread
                                   to the spine.  We will be doing palliative surgery as soon as insurance 
                                   approval goes through.

Large neck mass since 2020. We will do a biopsy and Ct scan for further evaluation.

Please continue to pray that the Lord would heal his people.  There is so much disease that goes untreated because of lack of funds, insurance or just lack of medical knowledge.

              Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with 
               wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not grow faint.
Isaiah 40:31



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