
Showing posts from November, 2020

Fourth Week

 This is a 2 year old boy with what was described as noisy breathing. he was not walking and developmentally behind.  over the last 3 weeks his breathing has worsened to the point where he was weak and eating poorly.  below is a photo of us in the operating theater urgently treating his upper airway blockage.   This is a difficult surgery in a US setting but in a resource poor hospital we were hoping for a miracle.  The patient had papillomas on his vocal cords and just below the cords.  these were large and blocking his ability to breath.  With the tools that we had we were able to remove enough to stabilize his airway.  We were able to avoid performing a tracheostomy which was the likely outcome I told his teenage mother. All glory goes to the lord.  Below is the patient post operatively, breathing easily and ready for discharge to home. He will need further follow up as these can return.  But this was a great witness of the power of G...

Third Week

  Kenyan scenery at the top of Motigo I continue to see as many patients as possible in clinic.  It seems it is never enough and many leave disappointed that they can not be seen.  The theme remains the same, advanced disease in young patients.  they have traveled from hospital to hospital trying to get care. This 28 year old man had surgery previously with return of disease several years later.  He has noted an increase in size in his neck mass and has been seeking local healers.  You can see the multiple small slashes which are superficial cuts being made near the disease to treat the mass.  The patient does not know his previous diagnosis and has no medical records to help us.  CT scan is done and there is a large unresectable mass running from the base of skull the his chest.  Biopsies were performed to try to get a diagnosis to help him.  Tragically, it takes 3 weeks to get pathology results and I will be gone by then.  This st...

A Different Kind Of Mission This Year

 I've been out and about visiting schools, but not going out as far due to COVID.  It is here and actually on the increase and I believe many Kenyans are tired of the mask wearing and distancing because we rarely see it.  Anyone coming into the hospital needs to wear a mask but not everyone is compliant!  Tenwek Hospital is very busy and full at the moment and the COVID ward is full as well. The below information is from a weekly update from the acting CEO of Tenwek Hospital on COVID-19: The Republic of Kenya has seen its highest daily numbers of COVID-19 positive test results. The COVID-19 pandemic is still very significant, and this has been very evident also for us here at Tenwek Hospital. Since the end of September our total number of COVID-19 cases diagnosed has more than doubled and our number of staff diagnosed with COVID19 has increased from 1 person to 17 people. This brings our current totals to:  88 Total diagnosed  14 Deceased  36 Disc...

Sunday, a day off

  The waterfall and hydroelectric plant are roaring during the rainy season.  We took a long walk today past the waterfalls and up to Motigo Tea Factory.  The views are spectacular and the appearance so different than anything you would see in the states.  The land is extensively farmed by individual family plots.  The roads are dirt and the traffic is all motor bikes.  We see all sort of transport on the back of the motor bikes. The only thing I have not seen on a bike is a cow but I am watching and am sure that has been tried!  I am enjoying a day off full of rest and thankfulness for all God is doing in this place. Have a blessed Sunday, Chase Miller