
I have made it home safely.  I am so grateful for all God did on this mission.  I was incredibly busy wearing many hats this trip.  I can not comprehend all God was doing but one thing I know is that I trusted Him and He was faithful to carry me through.

My last week was a bombardment of work.  I spent each day doing what came before me.  the day was started lecturing to the general surgery residents or family practice residents.  We would then move to the operating theater.  We operated on many patients and always seemed to have more cases then the OR could handle.  In between cases I would run to clinic and see patients that the physician's assistant was saving for me to screen for the OR.  after the day there were consults in the wards and many hospital staff with medical questions and needs.  The day never seemed to end.  I poured myself out as long as I could stand.  There was no time to question or worry over the next day.  I trusted that God put before me what He wanted me to do.  He always brought me help when needed.

Isaiah 58:6  Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?  It is not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter- when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?  Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear;  then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.  Then you will call, and the Lord will answer;  you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.

2 1/2 year old girl with CHARGE syndrome.  This is a congenital syndrome that can include abnormalities of the heart, kidneys, ears, eyes and nose.  This child had Choanal Atresia which is blockage of the communication between the nose and the throat.  Infants are obligate nasal breathers so usually children are treated at birth.  This child miraculously survived without treatment.  She was taken to the operating room for surgical opening of her nose.  Stents were placed and will be removed later by the general surgeons.  This will be a life changing procedure for her!

10 year old boy with 3 day history of right eye swelling. this seemed to be precipitated by an upper respiratory infection.  evaluation revealed significant swelling of the right eye and loss of vision.  CT scan of the sinuses revealed sinusitis, large abscess of the orbit and brain abscess.  This process had obviously been going on longer than the history of 3 days.  He went urgently to the operating theater for drainage of the orbital abscess and sinus surgery.  He slowly improved over the next few days but would be in the hospital for continued IV antibiotic treatment for his brain abscess.  Unfortunately, his vision can not be restored but his life was spared

Eldely women who presented to casualty in respiratory distress with stridor.  the illness had been present for 3 weeks according to family.  she was unarousable with low oxygen levels.  Evaluation of the upper airway revealed no obstruction of the airway.  Her chest X-ray was normal.  Something did not match up.  She was worsening and I had no explanation.  I recommended a repeat chest X-ray in the chance that the chest X-ray we were looking at was not of her chest!  repeat chest X-ray revealed collapse of the right lower lung.  She likely had a mucus plug and pneumonia.  I recommended urgent visit to the OR to perform bronchoscopy.  But first I asked her family does she know the Lord? no! we prayed.  When we brought her to the OR there was a brief time where she was awake.  Her life was in danger and I was desperate for her to know the Lord.  The anesthetist knew her language and led her in the salvation prayer.  Surgery went well and she rapidly improved!

There are so many more stories that I could tell.  Please know that the Lord was ministering to His people in many ways this trip.  I am resting now and am amazed at how this trip's recovery has been so much easier than previous trips.  He is blessing me and healing me.

Chase Miller

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